A photographer for conferences and corporate events

Are you looking for? a photographer for conferences and companies in Naples and Campania? You're in the right place.

The art of organizing a perfect event It is a rare subject and, to give value to the success of the day, the following are necessary: best possible photos that can tell not only about the meeting, but also the emotion and the participation of the speakers and the public. Without forgetting the importance of capturing all the protagonists and their interventions with the right attention.

I assure you an immediate, press-office-proof delivery. I have decades of experience in the political and corporate fields and I know the production needs very well.

The photographer of the number ones

I have worked all over Italy as a photographer in the communication staff of some of the major Italian personalities. I have followed Giuseppe Conte, Partito Democratico, Movimento 5 Stelle Campania, Lega Lombardia, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Agenzia Nazionale Giovani, World Energy Council. I also had the honor of following the President of the Republic to Rione Terra.

Experience throughout Italy

Also specialized in corporate photography. I boast photographs for nationally important companies in every field: Philip Morris, Sanofi, Ooni Ltd, Studio EGA, Studio NGK, Passalacqua, Il Riformista, Lions, Giffoni Film Festival, Federico II University, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Pizzeria Da Michele, Puteoli Sacra.

No more smartphone photos: a professional activity deserves the right images. My working methods:

Available throughout Italy.

Conferences and events

