I had the honor of being chosen as the photographer of one of the institutional events organized in Naples on the occasion of the G20.

It was a very fast job: the photos had to be delivered in real time for their publication on social media and, therefore, I used a laptop to be able to download and process them on the spot.

The Conference

The meeting was attended by representatives of national institutions and delegations from the G20 countries, together with consortia and recycling companies and primary energy companies: a particular look was reserved not only for role and prospects of Italy, a global player in 2021 with the Presidency of the G20 and the co-presidency of COP26, but also al Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Mediterranean dialogue.

As a photographer I photographed the delegates and guests of the various countries during the conference, following them personally and in a discreet way.


The gala dinner, which took place at the Hotel Vesuvio, was a second moment of meeting, intimate and reserved. My task was to recount the intervention of the Italian ambassador to the United States and of the steering committee of WEC Italy.

Categories: Experiences