The moment of choosing the place for an 18-year-old party is not at all easy. There are tons of choices in town, with excellent deals, and it would be impossible to pick them all up.
So let's try to find out some suggestions on the most evocative places in Naples where I worked and which I would recommend for an 18 year old party.

The list is not intended as a ranking, as I will try to propose a different place for every taste. They will then be featured in other articles

Don't forget, though, to choose the right photographer first. Contact me to make your party unforgettable.


1. Il Fico

Una villa antica che si trova dalle parti di Via Tasso. I suoi locali interni sono semplici, esteticamente piacevoli e idonei per ogni tipo di festa. All’esterno la terrazza ha un piccolo scorcio panoramico delizioso.

Gli interni sono ottimi perché non presentano dominanti di colore, quindi la luce è facilmente gestibile e garantisce fantastiche situazioni colorate.

This place is suitable for medium-sized groups of celebrated people (about eighty) in winter, while in summer, with the premises open, the number can certainly rise.

Questo locale è convenzionato con il mio studio di fotografia. Riferisci il mio nome, Federico Quagliuolo, al momento della prenotazione.

2. La Terra degli Aranci

Rimanendo sempre al Vomero, al Corso Europa, troviamo un luogo di altissimo profilo. Servizio eccellente e locale dalle dimensioni immense e sempre versatili. Il locale si compone di due sezioni ed è utilizzabile in estate e in inverno senza problemi.

La parte superiore, un giardino con aranci appunto, è ideale per i set fotografici soprattutto nelle stagioni in cui il sole rimane alto fino a tardi, ma anche in estate è perfetto. Si svolge qui l’accoglienza, con un ampio aperitivo di buffet.
La parte inferiore, invece, si compone di una sala grande, qualora ci siano molti invitati, e di una sala più piccola, per feste più raccolte. In entrambi i casi sono ben climatizzate e la qualità del servizio rimane eccellente.

Pecca purtroppo per l’assenza di panorami, nonostante la posizione perfetta, ma eccelle in ogni ambito: buffet eccellente e sempre ricchissimo, non a caso è scelto anche per i matrimoni.

3. Palazzo Venezia

The seat of the ancient Embassy of the Republic of Venice in the heart of Naples. It is a unique location of its kind, of rare beauty. It is located in the center of Spaccanapoli and, incredibly, welcomes you with a very elegant and spacious garden. Also ideal for large numbers of guests and even more important ceremonies.

4. Villa Mazzarella

Un panorama mozzafiato nella strada più panoramica di Posillipo.

Questa villa, alla quale si accede dopo una ripida discesa, si sviluppa su due piani. In estate si svolge l’accoglienza sul piano superiore, che regala uno scorcio incantevole. Sul piano inferiore, invece, c’è la parte del ristorante.

Si tratta di un luogo abbastanza versatile, per ricevimenti sia con uno stile più adulto che per uno stile più young.

Questo locale è idoneo per gruppi medi e grandi di festeggiati, specialmente nei mesi caldi e tiepidi. In inverno, non potendo passare il tempo sulle bellissime terrazze.


An alternative place, in every sense. The entire room is developed in numerous small rooms, while the open space is reduced to a minimum: like all rooms of this type, it can make groups of guests split up. I also had a party with 200 people, but there was no breathing space: the ideal is around 100-120 units. For a winter party it is ideal. The atmosphere is also completely new, with an unconventional and extravagant decor. Drinks and bar recommended.

6. Il Clubino

Una piccola perla poco conosciuta. Si trova alle spalle della Funicolare di Chiaia ed è un villino con un terrazzino delizioso e un piccolo locale interno arredato in modo essenziale.

Va da sé che questa posizione è ideale per le feste nei periodi primaverili\autunnali\estivi ed è ideale per un’idea di party semplice e riservata, con un numero di invitati inferiore agli 80. Qui si può scegliere il catering e il servizio è altamente personalizzabile. Ideale anche per feste di laurea e party più adulti.

7. Villa Partenope

An immense garden. In spring it is an unparalleled wonder, just as it is beautiful to admire the sunsets.

It is located in Via Bernardo Cavallino, close to the Hospital Area, and has two great pluses: first of all it has an internal parking, secondly it has internal and external environments for every event. Obviously recommended for all the warm or warm months, not demerit even for the cold months, as long as you give up the open spaces, which are the strong point of this place.

These spaces develop in a huge upper garden, in a smaller one just below and in a villa with the ground floor available to guests, usually used for dancing. The dimensions of the interior spaces are rather small.

The buffet is also good.

Recommended for parties with many guests, even 200 or more. In this case it is preferable to have a photographer assistant, as the number of guests to be covered is really high.

8. Miami

Very small and separate rooms, recommended for a party with less than 80 guests. The place is very simple and is ideal for a party with a compact group of friends. The lights are very neutral and this helps to get perfectly exposed photos with a white background.
There is no open space and the interiors are divided into two rooms, a corridor and a small private room.

The buffet consists of rustic party classics, from pizzas to the Danube. Then a plate of pasta with sauce or Sicilian is generally provided. Simple, but good.

9. La Veronica lounge

Salotto La Veronica

A terrace overlooking the sea. We are on the edge of the territory of Naples, but it is. The venue is ideal for parties with many guests, from 100 to 200, for the non-cold months of the year. It is spread over several communicating terraces, so there are three completely distinct environments. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time: on the one hand it favors the isolation of people, since they will tend to gather more in small groups, on the other hand it distributes the guests very well.

The atmosphere is positive, very summery. It manages to give its best from May to September.

Have you already found the place you were looking for? Don't forget to call the right photographer!

10. Virgilio Club

A great 18-year-old party classic. We are talking about one of the most versatile clubs ever, ideal for all seasons. In addition, their buffets with mini-sandwiches with burgers, fries and beer are a smash hit.

The place is very colorful and manages to give its best when the party takes place in the outdoor spaces. When you dance indoors, on the other hand, you risk having excessively red or blue lights, which affect the colors of the photographs.

11. Agora Morelli

A crazy place in the most elegant Naples, a stone's throw from Piazza dei Martiri. It is the entrance to an immense tuff cave, the walls are very high and the atmosphere is unique, with plays of light and rock walls.

The venue is ideal for medium-large parties, the spaces are large and divided into three areas, even if mainly the guests will concentrate in the huge central place.

At a photographic level, for those who like very colorful lights, it is not the best.

Being inside a parking lot, there are no parking problems either.

12. Imperial Villa

A fabulous location in Marechiaro. The restaurant is spread over several levels and is very elegant.

It can be used for winter and summer parties, as the internal rooms are quite generous, while the exteriors develop on a staircase that leads to a small rocky bay completely separated from the restaurant area. The party, therefore, is divided into two moments, one internal and one external.

It is not recommended to open the cake outside during the winter months, as the wind is really strong and it risks creating an unpleasant experience for the guests and the celebrated. The location is ideal for a sunset wedding party, but I'll talk about it in another article.

13. Leone Gallery

An absolutely eclectic and one-of-a-kind place. I had the pleasure of having only one party here and I fell in love with it. You wouldn't imagine finding such large spaces after entering such a small square.

It is located in Mergellina, immediately after the grotto of Piazza Sannazaro, and it is an extremely interesting place both in terms of spaces (which are really important: it is spread over two floors and two corridors), and in terms of buffets and drinks. all of which are of a high standard.

The flaw is related to the photos of the dance: the lights in the room where you dance are not at all favorable and it is not possible to obtain pleasant and colorful backgrounds.

Another flaw is due to the particular conformation of the room: it is quite difficult to move inside and a single photographer has difficulty in covering all the spaces, also because the guests tend to divide. For the occasion, in fact, I brought an assistant with me.

14. San Teodoro Palace

Very “adult” venue in terms of presentation and approach. It is located behind Piazza Vittoria, practically a stone's throw from the Villa Comunale and the seafront. It is an eighteenth-century villa with frescoed ceilings and elegant settings, ideal for high-class conferences. However, I worked in at least 20 eighteenths in this location, which therefore shows a certain propensity for even younger parties.

The buffet is of a very high standard, although my memories date back to December 2018 (the year of the last party I had here).

The restaurant is spread over four large separate rooms, with two balconies. The eligible number of guests is no more than 120. I also had a party of 200 guests and, although everyone got in here, it was just too confusing because people weren't evenly distributed.

15. Salone Margherita Theater

Mavi&Beatrice +18 - Teatro Margherita

Here we want to make a colossal event. The location is literally immense, it is as big as the Umberto Gallery, but under the Gallery. It is accessed from Via Verdi. The costs are obviously high, but evaluating the possibility of booking such a place already implies the desire to have a party with at least 250 participants and a spending budget well above the average. Here, as a photographer, I work with at least one assistant to ensure perfect coverage of the evening.

I want to clarify that I am not tied in any way to the places I mentioned and it is not paid advertising. The list is based on my personal experiences that I wanted to share with my readers, during the last 10 years of parties throughout Campania.

Now that you have chosen the venue, call me as a photographer to make your evening unforgettable!

-Federico Quagliuolo

Categories: Holiday tips

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Federico Quagliuolo - Your event photographer in Naples »The best places for an 18-year party at Vomero - Federico Quagliuolo · 11 August 2020 at 3:39

[…] Se cerchi i miei locali preferiti di tutta Napoli, ne ho parlato qui. […]

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